What to Look For in a Home Spin Bike

Bluefin what to look for in a home spin bike

With spin classes providing so many benefits, it’s no wonder they’re popular. But if you’re still not 100% comfortable attending classes given what’s still going on in the world, investing in your very own spin bike is a great alternative. 

But knowing what to look for in a home spin bike is difficult, especially if you’ve never purchased fitness equipment before. The last thing you want is to end up with a load of features that simply aren’t suitable for your ability. And with so many options out there, it’s tricky knowing what you actually need. 

We’ve got you covered. In this guide, you’ll learn exactly what to look for in a home spin bike. And which of our professional bikes is likely to be most suitable for your workouts. 

Heavy flywheel

The flywheel is the wheel at the front of a spin bike. The most important aspect of the flywheel is its weight – the heavier it is, the smoother and more seamless your pedalling will feel. 

When looking for a home spin bike, we recommend avoiding flywheels less than 12kg. Any weighing less than this will likely provide a jarring motion, as they’re simply too light. Not ideal when spinning… 

Luckily, both our Tour SP and Tour 5.0 spin bikes have flywheels of at least 12kg for a smoother workout. 

Safe braking system

A magnetic braking system is by far the most reliable. As well as being super low maintenance and safe, it’s also completely silent. So you can exercise at any time, without disturbing anyone else at home!

This type of braking system also allows for more levels of resistance, which brings us onto our next must-have in what to look for in a home spin bike.

Multiple resistance levels

Like a magnetic braking system, magnetic resistance is equally reliable and easy to operate. Resistance is a key component of any spin bike, and is crucial for taking your workouts to the next level. 

The more levels of resistance available, the more you can customize each spin workout. You’re also able to tailor the bike to suit your exact abilities – and can easily switch it up as your fitness changes with time. 

Display tracking screen

Virtually every modern spin bike will have some form of display screen, making this feature pretty easy to find. But where it really matters is tracking, as multiple aspects of your workout need to be measured in order to view your progress. 

Basic systems will probably feature just the distance pedalled and calories burnt. But if you’re looking for something a little more advanced, many bikes also display accurate heart rate information and provide the ability to set personal goals.

So, what to look for in a home spin bike?

We offer two different spin bikes, each specifically designed to provide a stellar spin experience from home. To help you decide which is best for what you need, here’s a quick low-down. 

The Tour 5.0 offers a 12kg flywheel and 12 automatic programs to choose from. Perfect for beginners, simply select a program and you’re ready to go! But if you want more control over your workout, this bike has 24 levels of resistance for you to choose and adjust as you pedal. 

But if you’re already a keen spinner and want something a little more advanced, the Tour SP is a perfect choice. This bike features a heavy-duty 25kg flywheel for a super smooth ride, and you can connect to top fitness smartphone app Kinomap. Providing instant access to thousands of training videos, structured workouts, and live coaching, you can experience a truly immersive workout from the comfort of home. 


So, if you weren’t sure what to look for in a home spin bike, you’ve now got some key pointers to work with. Exercising from home can be just as effective as a gym – you just need the right equipment.

To discover more info about both our bikes, as well as an easy beginner spin class to follow, check out our in-depth guide

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