How You Can Keep Fit at Home!

Bluefin how you can keep fit at home

With yet another lockdown upon us here in the UK, it can often feel like we’re back to square one. Gyms are closed again, and knowing how to keep fit at home (and feel motivated) isn’t easy. Especially with the colder winter weather setting in… 

But read ‘til the end of this blog, and you’ll discover some key tips for working out from the comfort of your living room. And even if you’re lucky enough to live somewhere less restricted right now, you may not feel comfortable going back to the gym just yet – and that’s totally ok too. 

There are many reasons why keeping fit at home is more convenient than heading outside or into a gym. And we’re here to help!

Get quality equipment

Now, we don’t mean you have to spend thousands upon thousands on a full pro gym home setup. But investing in a couple of key machines (if you can) could make all the difference. 

For an effective full body workout, an elliptical trainer is the perfect choice. Able to work multiple muscle groups and burn serious calories, just 30 minutes a day can help transform your cardiovascular fitness. And tone your muscles too!

Or if strength training is more your thing, our new multi-functional weights bench is guaranteed to level-up your home workouts. Foldable and suitable for a huge range of exercises, this bench will be a lifetime home companion – and you don’t ever have to pay for a gym membership again. 

But if you’re new to exercise and don’t want to commit to full machines just yet, there are still plenty of options. Light weights, a yoga mat, and resistance bands are great to start with. And something as simple as a skipping rope is perfect for a fast cardio burn.

Follow videos

If you’ve always struggled to get the motivation to exercise on your own, working out alone at home can feel pretty miserable. Especially if you love classes! 

But a great way to combat this and get fit at home is as simple as following a workout video. And in today’s digital age, there are literally millions out there to choose from. Hop onto Instagram, search for fitness influencers, and you’ve got a virtually endless choice of videos to follow. 

You’ll not only feel like you’re working out WITH someone as opposed to alone. You’re guaranteed to see a bunch of new exercises you’ve never tried before – result!

Keep Fit at Home: Try new exercises

It’s no secret how easy it is to get bored doing the same thing day in, day out – especially when you’re stuck at home. And the exact same principle applies to exercise. 

If you’re just doing the same type of workout each day, you’re almost guaranteed to lose motivation and feel uninspired. This is where workout videos can be so useful, as you’ll pick up a bunch of new moves you’ve probably never seen before. 

In short, try to mix it up as much as you can. You can even write down a weekly workout schedule, making sure to target different areas of your body each day. This will help keep you accountable too, as there’s nothing more satisfying than ticking a workout off your to-do list! 

Designate a visible ‘home gym’ area

This doesn’t have to be anything fancy, but dedicating a specific area in your home to working out will help you stay motivated. 

Something as simple as placing any equipment you’ve got, your next workout outfit, and a water bottle in one specific spot will do the trick! Whether in your living room or bedroom, seeing your equipment laid out right in front of you could help achieve the boost you need to crack on. 

If you just tuck it all away in a cupboard, it’s a lot easier to forget about… and just end up lounging on the sofa with pizza and a G&T. While there’s nothing wrong with that (who doesn’t love pizza?!), it’s a shame to let your motivation drop when just a simple trick like this could make all the difference. 

And there you have it – our easy but effective tips for how to keep fit at home. Once this year is behind us, we hope more than anything that life will get back to normal… sooner rather than later. 

But until then, we have to stay positive and do what we can. If that means grabbing a couple of weights and working out in front of the sofa, then so be it! 

For more inspiration on the best home gym equipment to invest in, check out our ultimate guide

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