Do Vibration Plates Work for Cellulite?

Bluefin vibration plates work for cellulite

Did you know that cellulite affects 90% of women? So, next time you catch yourself hating those dimples next time you look in the mirror, you’re definitely not alone! 10% of men are also affected too, making cellulite a hugely common skin condition across the globe. 

Whilst cellulite is totally harmless, many who have it want nothing more than to get rid of it forever. With so many ‘miracle cures’ out there, it’s difficult separating fact from myth. And as fitness vibration technology has soared in popularity over recent years, many ask one key question. Do vibration plates work for cellulite? 

As one of our best-selling product ranges, we know everything there is to know about vibrating plates here at Bluefin Fitness. So, if you’re keen to discover whether vibration plates really work for reducing cellulite, this is the blog for you.

What is Cellulite? 

Before we explore how vibration plates can help, it’s important to know exactly what cellulite is. That way, everything else you’ll learn will make a lot more sense!

Cellulite occurs when fat stored deep underneath the skin pushes against higher connective tissues. This causes the dimpled appearance cellulite is oh-so famous for, typically arising on the thighs and buttocks. 

Little is concretely known about why cellulite affects women so much more than men. However, as women’s fat is most commonly stored around hips and thighs, this is thought to heavily contribute to more cellulite appearing.

What Causes Cellulite? 

We’re about to debunk our first myth! It’s so commonly assumed that only overweight, inactive people develop cellulite. But this couldn’t be further from the truth. 

Whilst it’s true that an inactive lifestyle may increase your chances of cellulite, plenty of lean, super-fit people have it too. The fact is, genetics and hormones play a huge role. So, if all the women in your family have cellulite, there’s a high chance you’ll naturally develop it too. 

And if you DO have cellulite, it’s important to remember two key things. It’s not harmful in any way, and doesn’t make you unhealthy! While certain factors like age, zero exercise and a poor diet may have some effect, cellulite can happen to virtually anyone. 

Do Vibration Plates Work for Cellulite? 

With cellulite being something so many people wish to get rid of, vibration plates can be hugely beneficial. So yes, when used correctly as part of a balanced lifestyle, vibration plates can indeed help reduce cellulite! 

But before we get into it, it’s essential to note that there are no miracle cures. If there were, cellulite certainly wouldn’t still be affecting 90% of women! Simply standing on a vibrating plate for 10 minutes won’t miraculously cause your cellulite to disappear.

A combination of regular workouts, a healthy diet, and vibration technology is the best solution. 

How Do Vibration Plates Reduce Cellulite? 

We could get all scientific and complicated here, but we’ll keep it simple. Vibration plates disrupt fat cells, causing them to ‘die’ early. Collagen cells then replace these fat cells, their production of collagen and elastin increasing as a result. This helps make skin more firm and elastic, resulting in a smoother appearance. 

However, as we said, simply standing on a vibration plate for 10 minutes isn’t enough to achieve results. It’s important to remember that fat cells from cellulite tissue aren’t burned, they’re just disrupted. Any fat released still needs to be ‘burned off’, otherwise it’ll simply settle back to its original position. And your cellulite won’t have improved at all. 

This means burning fat is still essential in reducing cellulite. But it’s not as tough as it sounds. Doing some light cardio directly after standing on your plate will help eliminate those pesky fat cells once and for all. 

And you could even incorporate your vibration plate into your workouts, as opposed to just standing still. Saving time, you’ll be disrupting fat cells and instantly burning them before they have a chance to re-settle.

So, if you were wondering whether vibration plates work for cellulite, now you know! Potentially highly effective when combined with the right lifestyle choices, a vibration plate could be the key to smooth, cellulite-free skin.

But if you’ve never used a vibrating plate before, it can be a little daunting making your first purchase. To discover which option is best for you, check out our ultimate vibration plate guide

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