Easy 10 Minute Workout for Beginners

Bluefin 10 minute workout for beginners

With the unfamiliar reality of self-isolation becoming our new norm, being stuck at home all day can really take its toll. But with the positive benefits of exercise being undeniable, there’s never been a better time to get active! In this blog, you’ll discover a simple 10-minute workout for beginners you can do in your living room. We’ll also include plenty of top tips to enhance success, allowing you to achieve the best possible results.

Exercising properly doesn’t have to be reserved for a gym, with plenty of brilliant methods of keeping active from the comfort of home. 

Is 10 Minutes Really Enough?

With most health guidelines recommending at least 30 minutes of exercise per day, a burning question is probably springing to mind. Is 10 minutes really enough to experience the benefits?!

In simple terms, yes! ANY exercise is better than no exercise at all. Especially if you’re a total beginner to the world of fitness, you don’t want to push yourself. Starting slow and working your way up is essential to avoid potential injury. And as the workout you’re about to discover has the power to burn serious calories, 10 minutes is definitely enough to kickstart your fitness journey.
10 Minute Workout for Beginners

Simple 10-minute workout for beginners

Spend at least 3-5 minutes stretching to warm up, and you’re ready to get started. And if you really want to enhance your home workouts and burn more calories, get your hands on a vibration plate

Super easy to use at home, vibration technology has been scientifically proven to enhance weight loss, boost circulation and tone muscle. A brilliant addition to your home workouts! 

This specific workout follows a simple interval routine – 30 seconds of exercise, then 30 seconds rest. But feel free to customise these timings to suit your exact abilities. If you can’t manage a full 30, just do 20 seconds instead. But if you feel you can do more, go for it! 

10 Minute Workout for Beginners


Jumping Jacks

Whether you call them jumping jacks or star jumps, we should all be familiar with this one. Stand with your feet roughly hip-width apart, and jump outwards whilst bringing your arms up. Jump back to your original position, and keep repeating. 


After 30 seconds rest, move onto squats. This is a great exercise for a vibration plate too. 

Stand on your plate with your feet roughly shoulder-width apart. Bend your knees and move your hips backwards, down to knee level if you can. Bring yourself back up, and repeat. The plate’s vibrations make muscles work harder to stay standing upright. Causing your muscles to contract up to a huge 50x more than simply standing on the floor, you have the power to burn a lot more calories from the same exercise.

The plate’s vibrations make muscles work harder to stay standing upright. Causing your muscles to contract up to a huge 50x more than simply standing on the floor, you have the power to burn a lot more calories from the same exercise.

10 Minute Workout for Beginners

Push ups

Another great exercise with a vibration plate, push ups are great for engaging arms and shoulders.

Place both hands face-down on your plate, with your body forming a straight diagonal line. Bend your elbows, and lower your upper body down toward the plate. Push your body up again, and repeat. 

Ideally, push ups should be done on your toes. But if you’ve never done this exercise before, rest on your knees for a slightly easier alternative. 


Great for toning your glutes, bridges make a perfect addition to any 10 minute workout for beginners. Lie on your back with your knees bent, resting your feet flat on your vibrating plate

Raise your hips as high as you can, ideally creating a straight line from your knees to shoulders. Tighten your abs and glutes as you go up, lower your body back down, and repeat. 

10 Minute Workout for Beginners

Mountain Climbers

Bringing it back to cardio after a couple of lower-intensity exercises, mountain climbers are great for getting your heart rate back up. 

Begin in a traditional plank position, resting your hands on a vibration plate. Bring one knee up to your chest, keeping the other straight, and return to your original position. Keep repeating, alternating between legs as you go. 

10 Minute Workout for Beginners

Once you’ve completed 30 seconds of each exercise (with 30 seconds rest in between), do the entire circuit again! Doing this routine twice over takes you up to a full 10 minutes. 

Guaranteed to get your endorphins pumping, this 10 minute workout for beginners is easy customisable and simple to do. And if you’re able to include a vibrating plate, you’re sure to enhance your weight loss journey and burn more calories. 

But don’t worry if a vibration plate isn’t part of your home exercise routine yet. You can easily complete this workout without one; it’s all down to personal preference!

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