The Drumm Muscle Massager: Ease Pain, Aid Sleep & Reduce Stress

Bluefin vibrational healing

Loved by many athletes and fitness professionals, muscle massager guns are taking the workout world by storm. Able to boost muscle recovery and ease pain, massage guns like the Drumm make a great asset to fitness routines. 

But that’s not all muscle massager devices can be used for. Whilst hugely popular and effective within fitness, they offer a wide range of other impressive advantages. You definitely don’t need to be an avid gym-goer to experience their benefits!

To take a little break from the world of fitness and discover everything else you can achieve with a massage gun, here’s some key improvements they provide. 

Reduces tension

We’re all familiar with those pesky muscle knots. Building-up as a result of increased tension, muscles can feel tight and stressed. And no matter how hard you try with your bare hands, you just can’t quite achieve the relief you want. 

A muscle massager provides deep tissue action. Able to relieve tension and knots across virtually any muscle group, uncomfortable tightness is alleviated. Whether you’ve had a busy day at work or are just feeling run down, a massage gun can help lift tightness and rebalance comfort. 

As a result, you’re a lot more likely to achieve a better night’s sleep too! Reduced feelings of tight tension make for a deeper sleep, helping you avoid those restless nights tossing and turning to get comfortable. 

Injury rehabilitation

Massage is hailed as one of the most successful aspects of injury rehabilitation. Able to enhance the recovery process as well as help reduce chances of re-injury, massage can be hugely effective. 

However, professional massage appointments can be very expensive. A percussion massage gun is a great solution, as you can experience the benefits of deep tissue massage from the comfort of home. 

Boosting circulation and helping injured muscles heal, regular use of a massage gun can also improve flexibility. Perfect for helping get back to normality post injury!

Decreases pain

Utilising the principles of vibrational healing, a muscle massager device can be incredibly effective in reducing pain. 

As the Drumm uses percussive technology, its powerful vibrational effect provides impressive pain relief. Instantly boosting circulation to specific areas, a greater volume of nutrients and oxygen are transported to muscles. Less pain is felt as a result, and muscles may also feel less fatigued and stiff.

Alleviates cramp

Often creeping up when we least expect it, cramp can be seriously sore. Not to mention difficult to get rid of! 

Whilst cramp is most likely to occur after intense exercise, it can happen at virtually any time. Even when lying in bed slowly drifting off to sleep, you could suddenly feel a sharp burst of pain searing through your entire leg for no apparent reason. We know the feeling. 

Cramp arises due to excessive lactic acid in the muscles, alongside low oxygen levels. This is why it tends to most commonly arise after exercise. But even something as simple as a busy day on your feet at work, or spending time cleaning the house can result in lactic acid build-up. And an onset of unwanted cramp later on. 

Luckily, a muscle massager like the Drumm helps remove lactic acid from muscles. This release goes hand-in-hand with boosted circulation, leading to an influx of oxygen to help alleviate cramp and soreness. 

So, next time you feel cramp slowly starting to creep up, grab your massage gun and show it who’s boss. 

Breaks up scar tissue

Perhaps one of the lesser known benefits of a muscle massager, you can aid in breaking down scar tissue with one of these devices. 

Scar tissue occurs as a result of collagen fibres coming together to repair damage. However, these fibres aren’t as flexible as your body’s natural tissues. This is due to lower elasticity. As a result, areas of scar tissue can cause uncomfortable tightness and restriction.

But by regularly using a massage gun, you can help break up this tissue and restore flexibility once more. Whilst this definitely isn’t a quick process and won’t happen overnight, long term Drumm use can help alleviate scar tissue pain and tightness. 

Whilst many people only associate muscle massagers with workouts, it’s clear to see they can provide so much more! Helping alleviate a variety of ailments and complaints, a device like the Drumm can be a total game-changer – regardless of whether you’re into fitness or not.

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