Easy Vibration Plate Workout to Stay Active in Self-Isolation

Bluefin staying physically active is more important

It’s no secret how challenging our current times are right now. With self-isolation and lockdowns being enforced throughout multiple countries across the globe, staying physically active and nurturing our mental health is now more important than ever.

So, if you’re finding yourself stuck at home and missing your routine gym visits, this blog outlines a simple HIIT workout you can easily do from the comfort of your living room – with useful videos you can follow along the way. Our vibration plates provide a great method of enhancing your workouts and boosting calorie-burning potential, making them a brilliant fitness asset during these tough times at home.

But most importantly, all of us here at Bluefin Fitness hope you’re all keeping safe and healthy. And we hope this simple at-home workout is able to help support your fitness journey – even without access to your usual gym.

What You’ll Need

To give your workout an extra boost, we highly recommend incorporating a vibration plate into the mix. If you’ve never used a vibrating plate before and aren’t sure where to start, check out our simple guide for choosing your perfect model.

A couple of exercises require weights too, but don’t worry too much if you don’t have a bunch of professional weights at home. In these times, simply using a weighty bag of pasta or a couple of tins will do the trick – if you can get your hands on any! 

Vibration Plate Workout at Home

Get your vibration plate up and running (we recommend our 4D model for maximum effect), and begin a simple stepper routine. Keep going for a full 30 seconds, then rest for a further 30.

This full workout follows a simple HIIT routine of 30 seconds on, 30 seconds off – but feel free to customise these timings to suit your ability. If you feel you can do a full minute, go for it! 

Next, pick up a light weight and complete a second stepper exercise, this time with a little less impact to account for the weight. Again, 30 seconds on, 30 seconds off. 

Still keeping hold of your weight and repeating the same stepping motion as before, raise the weight above your head – being sure to fully extend your arms. Working your arms, legs and core simultaneously, this is a great full-body exercise made even more effective with a vibration plate.

Moving away from a stepper motion now, hold onto a weight in either hand and complete a series of simple back kicks. Try 15 seconds on each leg, maintaining balance on your vibration plate for the entire duration – or 30 seconds if you want to push yourself further. 

Now for abs! Sit in the middle of the plate, and do 30 seconds of weighted Russian twists. But if you don’t feel quite ready to include a weight just yet, simply hold your hands together at the centre of your body instead – being sure to keep your feet raised at all times. 

And last but by no means least, power through 30 seconds of weighted sit ups. Raising your knees as you go, this is a great way to engage your core and improve balance. 

And repeat all over again! Try to repeat this full HIIT circuit three times over, and you’re sure to feel like you’ve just spent a full session sweating it out in the gym. 

Stay fit! 

Super simple and able to be done virtually anywhere within your home, this easy vibration plate workout is ideal for these isolated times.

Staying physically active is key not just for our bodies but our minds too. Just a mere half hour of exercise per day is sure to get your endorphins going, and provide some much-needed positivity at an otherwise difficult time. 

Stay safe, and stay active! 

Big thanks to @keepfitkat for the workout!

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