Spin Bike vs Rowing Machine

Bluefin spin bike vs rowing machine

Studies have shown that cardiovascular exercise is an excellent way to lower your body fat, increase your fitness and avoid a massive range of health issues. There are many ways to work on your cardio, two pieces of equipment we find useful are the rowing machine and spin bike.

When it comes to improving your fitness both a spin bike and a rowing machine are great. Both allow you to gradually increase your fitness at a rate that you feel comfortable with alongside offering low impact exercise options. However, these two machines work out different sets of muscles and offer different styles of workout options.

In this blog, we will look at which machine is best for you and your fitness journey.

Spin Bike: For a More Intense Workout

– Burn Fat and Tone

Spin Bikes allow you to burn fat and tone your lower body. An hour of spinning can burn between 400-800 calories, so it’s great for those keen to lose weight and shift fat.

– Great for beginners

There’s not a huge amount of skill needed to use a spin bike. Just get on your bike and peddle. This means that fitness beginners have an easy way to increase their cardio. You can also easily up your level of difficulty and move forward in your fitness goals.

– Low Impact

Spin bikes are super low impact on your joints which makes them great for rehab. A low impact cardio warm-up is perfect before using other exercise equipment.

Spin Bike vs Rowing Machine

Rowing Machine: A whole body workout

– Build Stamina and burn calories

Rowing is an excellent way to increase your stamina. A good rowing session can burn up to 800 calories and can allow you to take your fitness to the next level.

– Whole-body tone

As with the spin bike the rowing machine tones a lot of muscles in once movement. But, rather than just focussing on your lower body, the rower works out your back, chest and arms as well as your legs and glutes.

– Takes up less space

If space is an issue in your home, then the rowing machine is the one for you. Our BLADE Rower takes up hardly any space as it folds up completely. Store it in your cupboard and bring it out to exercise!

Spin Bike vs Rowing Machine

Spin Bike vs Rowing Machine: so which one is best for me?

If you are at the beginning of your fitness journey then we would recommend the Tour SP Bike. Our spin bike will allow you to get on the right track and start to lose weight quickly.

If you are looking for a whole body, low impact exercise machine then we would recommend the BLADE Rowing Machine. This will allow for a consistent, whole-body workout.

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