Post Workout Drumm Massage Gun – How to Speed Up Recovery

Bluefin post workout drumm massage gun

After a super intense workout, your muscles are probably in need of some serious TLC. Post workout recovery is essential to not only repair muscles, but keep you performing at your best. 

Our Drumm percussion massage gun makes a great addition to your recovery routine. Allowing you to reach all problem areas with ease, you can achieve deep tissue relief from the comfort of your home. 

In this blog, we’ll discuss the key signs of not achieving enough post workout recovery. Plus how to boost this process, and help muscles recover faster with a massage gun! 

Signs You’re Under-Recovering Post Workout

If you don’t take appropriate measures to help your muscles recover, you could run into serious issues. From chronic fatigue to long-term struggles in the gym, plenty can go wrong. 

Worried your muscles aren’t recovering properly? Here’s some key signals to look out for: 

Persistent muscle soreness

Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) is pretty unavoidable after a heavy session. Typically, DOMS can persist from 48 – 72 hours post workout. So, if you find your muscles are hurting even after leaving the gym, it’s completely normal. Nothing to be too concerned about.  

But if you find they’re still in pain more than 3 days later, this is a clear sign they’re not recovering properly. 

Inability to sleep

If your body hasn’t recovered from an intense workout, you’ll find it much harder to fall into a deep sleep. Under-recovered muscles often result in a hyperactive nervous system. This is almost guaranteed to keep you awake, tossing and turning struggling to drift off. 

So, if you’re unable to achieve a quality night’s sleep, this could be an indicator of poor post workout recovery. And the same goes if you’re routinely waking up feeling groggy and unrested too.

Weak workout performance

It’s completely normal to go through peaks and troughs in your gym routine. But if you’re feeling constantly weak without increasing weights or intensity, this is a sure-fire sign your muscles are fatigued. 

If your workouts are starting to feel like a chore, this could also be an indicator of under-recovery. Workouts are supposed to feel enjoyable, giving you a pumped sense of achievement whenever you make progress. But if you’re routinely having to push through mental barriers despite doing the same movements as usual, something’s definitely off. 

Enhance & Speed Up Recovery

If any of the above signs seem familiar, it’s time to revamp your post workout routine. And the Drumm can help you do just that. 

Designed to help remove lactic acid out of your muscles, the Drumm provides an effective deep tissue massage. Able to alleviate pain and tension, a quick post workout Drumm session can seriously boost recovery. Without expensive massage appointments, or hours spent struggling to target those hard-to-reach areas!

Complete with 6 different attachment heads too, you can treat multiple muscle groups with ease. Regardless of whether it’s been back, shoulder, or leg day, the Drumm’s attachments have been carefully designed for maximum efficiency. 

Better still, a percussion massager can be used pre workout too. Ideal for activating your muscles and getting them ready for action, a quick Drumm blast before hitting the gym can help you perform at your best every time. 


A great asset if your muscles struggle to recover, a massage gun is sure to help speed up the process. Allowing you to smash your fitness goals without enduring under-recovery issues, the Drumm could become your new favorite workout companion!

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