Weight Bench Workouts on: The Bluefin Fitness LIFT!

Bluefin weight bench workouts

The Bluefin Fitness Multi-Functional Folding Weights Bench is expertly designed to provide you with limitless exercise possibilities from the comfort of your own home.

Allowing you to position its padded seat is not one. Still, three arrangements: Incline, Flat and Decline, the multi-purpose weights bench enables you to perform a wider variety of total body exercises, isolate specific muscles and ultimately, fully maximise your workouts. It’s a complete game-changer for your home gym equipment! 

So let’s explore some of the most popular exercises that will take your weight bench workouts from strength to strength.

Prepping for the Weight Bench Workouts:

Firstly, before jumping straight in, we recommend that you take a few minutes to stretch and fully prepare your body for intense activity! After all, warmer muscles extend better, helping you get more out of your workout and prevent muscular injuries. Safety should always come first!

When you’re ready after your warm-up, adjust the weights bench backrest to the desired Incline, Flat or Decline position, select an appropriate and manageable weight, ensure your body is in the correct form to execute the exercise safely…and let’s get you strength training! 

By positioning the weights bench at an upwards 45-degree angle, the most commonly executed exercises are: 

  • Incline Pectoral Flys – Start with your dumbbells positioned away from your chest and keep your arms slightly bent at the elbows to reduce elbow strain. Push up, bringing the dumbbells together above your chest, and gently lower down for one rep.
  • Incline Chest Press – Start with your dumbbells positioned near your upper chest and ensure your arms are shoulder-width apart. Push the dumbbells upwards above your head, and return to the starting position in a slow and controlled manner. The slower the movement, the more tension will build up in your muscles to activate greater muscle growth!
  • Preacher Biceps Curl – Place one elbow firmly on top of the curl pull. Start with the dumbbell positioned close to your upper chest, and lower it until your upper arm is close to being fully extended. Slowly return to your starting position to complete the movement.

Other common exercises on an incline bench include incline shoulder press, incline row, rear lateral raise, reverse fly and many more!

In-demand Decline Bench Exercises: 

By positioning the weights bench downwards in a 45-degree angle, the decline weight bench workouts that you need to know about are:

  • Decline Chest Press – Start with your dumbbells positioned near your upper chest and keep your arms shoulder-width apart. Push your dumbbells upward above your head, and return to the starting position to achieve one complete rep. 
  • Dragon Flag Leg Raise – Keeping your core tight, gently curl your body upwards and raise your legs until they are straight up in the air. Hold this position and then gently release this movement back to the starting point. Alternatively, you can bend your knees to reduce the tension on your core.
  • Lower Back Hyperextension – Firstly fix the curl pull to the height of your hips. Then hook your feet under the foot support bracket and cross your arms behind your head. Ensure your elbows are pointing outwards and start bending slowly forwards until your body forms a right angle. Then gently start moving your body backwards until your back and legs form a straight line.

Other decline exercises to tryout are: decline pectoral flies, decline Russian twists, decline crunches and many more!

Not-to-be-forgotten Flat Bench Exercises:

Positioning your weights bench flat provides you with a whole host of training possibilities!:

  • Bulgarian Split Squat – Hold your dumbbells in each hand and rest your back foot on the bench. Bend your knee to lower yourself towards the ground. When your back leg is parallel to the ground, slowly straighten your front leg to raise yourself back to the starting position. 
  • Bent Arm Pullover – Start with your chosen weight lifted above your head. With your elbow slightly bent for additional support. Slowly lower your arms behind your head maintaining your elbow in a fixed position for the movement’s duration. Gently move your arms back to the starting position to complete one rep.
  • Abdomen exercises – You can perform most ab exercises on the flat bench, whether these be in-between exercises as supersets, or on their own. The comfort of the weights bench’s padded seat will fully support your body, ensuring you’ll receive the most comfortable, supportive workout possible.

Other flat bench exercises to check out include: hip thrusts, bent over rows, tricep dips off the side of the weights bench and many, many more!

Weight Bench Workouts

So there you have it, some of the most popular and common exercises that you can easily perform on the Bluefin Multi-Functional Weights Bench, kickstarting your full-body workout with countless training options to choose from. You no longer need to battle through boring and tedious exercises. As this one piece of home exercise equipment will transform your workouts to strength training success!

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